I was excited to make a veggie-packed pasta dish for myself but I also wanted to try a recipe for baked zucchini chips! Since I had bought zucchini on Sunday, and I had the rest of the ingredients on hand it would be a great pairing with spaghetti.
They weren't hard to make at all (unless you count getting egg/breadcrumb/egg/breadcrumb fingers hard)! I cooked the meat with some garlic before adding the rest of the jar of marinara. I also added 1/2 a jar of water for a couple of reasons: 1) My mom taught me that it gets the rest of the sauce out 2) It made the 1/2 jar go a bit further! I let that simmer on the stove while I prepped my chips and cooked the spaghetti.
Since Gareth does not eat vegetables like I do and I wanted to add them to my spaghetti, I steamed some zucchini and broccoli and poured some sauce on top of it. I then poured that on top of my spaghetti. It was delicious!
The chips turned out just like they were supposed to. I liked them and would make them again but I wasn't crazy about them. I used panko breadcrumbs so maybe that made it taste too bready to me, but I didn't LOVE them. I dipped them in the marinara and it made a pretty healthy/good appetizer. I think you should try them if you are into that kind of thing!
I was prepared to give you a review of the next stop on my tour de yogurt this evening but upon inspection...they have not opened yet. I guess I will have to head to another place on the list this week! If all else fails I can go to Pinkberry again. I mean I have only been back
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